Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Penguin style cheats July 2010

Hey everyone! It's time for ANOTHER Penguin Style cheats!! Scroll them down! lol

Go to page 3 and click the top of the tree.

Go to page 4 and click the first nudge on the amp.

Stay on the same page and click the second one.

Stay on the same page AGAIN and click the circle thing on the stereo.

Go to page 5 and click the top circle thing on the stereo.

Stay on the same page and click the gray rectangle thing on the piano.

Go to page 6 and click the monster's blue eyes.

AND THOSE ARE ALL THE NEW CHEATS! Whew! *wipes head* Those were A LOT for me to handle!! I was kinda bum that they brought back all of the old items. But, that's good news for my new buddy friends :)


1 comment:

  1. craft u forgot something go to page 3 click the penguin foot then one with the yellow coat
