Here is the new racing sled:
Nothing fancy-pancy, but it's okay. I least it looks better than the other sled thingy.
Here's what it looks like when holding it. I know, it looks funny. It looks like you're holding a dish washer. No joke. You know, I take back what I said about the other sled. (lol that rhymes!I think.....)
Here's me cruising on the new sled. Looks like I'm driving a new car. If you notice, that there's new music playing when you sled. Last time, there was no music I think, and we have to listen to our selves crashing into the piece of wood! :P
Time for new instrutions in the Fire Dojo!
This is one of the instructions. This one is on the left side of the fire dojo. It tells you the level which you become a Fire ninja master! Woohoo! I'm trying to get the head...... mask.... thingy.
This basically tells the rules. And this one is on the right side of the dojo.
Here's a helpful tip that Screenhog once told me; talk to Sensei to battle with young fire masters, not the place mats.
Review by you:
Hello Penguins!
Last week you guys talked about your favorite power cards! Here's what Langille said:
My favorite card is the card with G's boom box on it. It's so funny when your penguin starts dancing, and then before he can find out what's happening the boom box explodes!
Card-Jitsu Fire's on a lot of your minds, but don't forget that The Great Snow Maze starts tomorrow in the Ski Village. And after that, everyone's gonna start thinking about Christmas... Last year Rockhopper brought stuff for the Christmas party. I've heard rumors that he'll be showing up this year, too. What do you guys like best about when Rockhopper visits Club Penguin?
Write your Reviewed By You answer as a comment! We'll post one (50 - 75 words please) in next week's Reviewed By You. And if your comment is chosen as the feature comment on next week's blog, we'll add 10,000 coins to your penguin account. Don't forget to use your penguin name so we can add coins!
Until then...Waddle on!
-Club Penguin Team
By Billybob on November 26 2009 11:49
You notice, one of the paragraphs is bolded. Well, there's a reason for that. Billybob said that there are rumors that Rockhopper is coming for the Christmas Party like last year. I have a comment on that.............. DUH THAT ROCKHOPPER IS COMING! HE HASN'T BEEN HERE SINCE SUMMER, SO THAT GOTTA MEANS HE'S GONNA BE BACK!!!! BOYS AND GIRLS, WHEN BILLYBOB SAYS THERE ARE RUMORS ABOUT SOMETHING ON HIS BLOG, IT IS 99.99% TRUE! OKAY?!?
Sorry if I hurt your eardrums. It's probably from eating to much pie today. Ya know, the hyperness. That's probably why this post is super long! ;) Sorry about that again. Have a nice day! Can't wait for the Great Snow maze tomorrow!
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