Friday, December 4, 2009

Rockhopper's ship, tree costume, and dojo

Hey guys! I have some sweet stuff for you!

Rockhopper's ship:

Look at the telescope at the beacon. You can see Rockhopper is coming right now! He's making his way! :D

I see some green stuff goin on. ;)

Tree costume:

Here's this awesome cheat on the tree costume.

You see, this was me before I was decorated. I looked boring and useless.

Now, when I wave, I get this round colorful circle-thingys on the tree! Cute right? It totally look cute! Yay! I get to be a Christmas tree!

And, a cool thing about this, you get to hide from people! Camouflage! :)) No one can find me now!!!!!!!!!


You can now see the Card- Jitsu fire video at the dojo! I guess it's for those you did not watch it yet.

I have some cheats on that dojo tomorrow! See ya guys! :)))

1 comment:

  1. those round circle thingys are christmas lights lol or ornaments
