Friday, April 2, 2010

Herbert on the newspaper?

Herbert on the newspaper? Yes sirrr (or yes mamm!) Herbert is in the news paper! But, you have to look closely to see him! He is in the "In Focus" section! There will be a "larger penguin" in a Yeti costume following the tour guide about warm places. You can see him in the picture below!

Here are some CLUES that Herbert mention in the newspaper about some PAST missions and what he will do in the FUTURE! (I've highlighted the important word under a red line, so you won't have to read it all!

Didn't he mention in past missions about him complaining that Club Penguin is cold?

In here, he mentions the Lodge, hints about him and how he "drilled the Ski Lodge" (that's when he as doing some weird things in the back of the ski lodge in a past mission), and the VOLCANO.
Click to enlarge if you can't read it!

We know that....
  • Herbert wants the puffles
  • He dropped a couple packages of seeds in the last mission
  • The new opening part of the mine PROBABLY has to do with Herbert and Klutzy
  • the mission is coming in a "few months", which Billybob stated.
  • And a sneak peek that Billybob gave us
is there something to do with the Volcano that Herbert wanted to go in? Who knows? This must be a one excited missions! Comment below for your own clues and thoughts that you want me to add in this post. Well, that's it! See ya later Club Penguin junkies!


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