Friday, June 25, 2010

Field Op Mission 2- CHEATS

Hey guys! The second of the weekly Field Ops is here!! Scroll down for this weekly cheats. Btw, since I've already did this field op, it won't let me do it again. So, I'm using my spare penguin, StylinStarr for all of my pictures.

Your phone will be blinking. Click on it and report for duty at the EPF headquarters. Go to the right that says, "Field-Ops" and click.

A pop up will come up with Gary. Accept field op.

Now, go to the Ski hill and stand in front of the ski lift post stick thingy.

Your phone will ring, click on it. Your field op will begin. Follow the instructions. I suggest to carefully read the instructions!!

Congratulations! You've finished a field op!

~Craft123456 :-)

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